
Miscellaneous of essentially non-mathematical facts.


I started playing volleyball at a club level at the age of 11. In 5 seasons of playing at Sporting Clube de Espinho, I went through all the age groups of competetive playing prior to senior level (by the time called Minis, Infantis, Iniciadas, Juvenis, Juniores). After a halt in playing which, sadly, lasted for 11 years, I returned to volleyball at Saints Volleyball Club (University of St Andrews) in the academic year of 2021/2022. Playing for the Women’s 2nd team, we managed a quite remarkable performance winning the BUCS Conference Cup as well as our league (BUCS Scottish Tier 2A). Winning the league resulted in the promotion to the main league of Scottish Student Sport (BUCS Scottish Tier 1A) for the next academic year. It was the first time in the history of Saints Volleyball Club when a Women’s 2nd team got promoted to the main category.


In 2016, I integrated iNIGMA: a group of undergraduate and MSc students in maths (at the University of Porto) who met informally to discuss interesting problems and support colleagues who were struggling with contents from the undergraduate courses.

In 2017, we founded iNIGMA - Núcleo de Estudantes de Matemática da Universidade do Porto, which gave iNIGMA the legal status of a Students' Union. I was in the first board as vice-president. We took off with the coordination of several small events such as talks, workshops and tournaments.

In 2018, iNIGMA organised "Jornadas de Matemática da Universidade do Porto", a 3 day event aimed at students from Porto whose program consisted of mathematical communications, contact with external employers and a social component. Highlights video.

In 2019, iNIGMA organised "ENEMath 19 - Encontro Nacional de Estudantes de Matemática", a 4 day event aimed at students from Portugal whose program consisted of mathematical communications, contact with external employers and a social component. Highlights video.

Until I finished my MSc in Mathematics in 2019, I kept on iNIGMA's board as vice-president (re-elected).

Have a look at iNIGMA on Facebook!


I graduated from high school with final grade of 19.7/20.0 which is the average of the final grades in 10 subjects, 4 of which with national exam grade worth 30% of their final grade (Portuguese, Maths, Physics and Chemistry, Descriptive Geometry). My grade was the best in the class of 2011 at Escola Secundária Dr. Manuel Gomes de Almeida.